Recommendations and praise

Reporting from citizens is an important tool that helps the Company improve the quality of services.

Users, either directly or through a formally delegated person or protection body, can submit complaints, suggestions and praise by contacting the Public Relations Offices (URP) present in each District of the Parma Local Health Authority:


Reports can be submitted to the URP by ordinary Postal mail, e-mail, fax or collection box (in the Structures where it is present), using the appropriate reporting form and attaching a copy of an identity document as to Presidential Decree 2000/445 art.18 or in person at the offices by appointment. Download the reporting form

In the event of a complaint, the Company, through the URP, start an internal investigation turn to assessment to the facts reported and gives feedback to the user within 30 days.

If the report is presented by a person (or body/guardianship body) other than the interested party, it must be accompanied by a formal proxy signed by the interested party (even on unstamped paper), together with a copy of one of his identity. Download the delegation form

Download the Information on data processing for the purposes of the Public Relations Office.


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modificato:martedì 17 gennaio 2023

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